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Tokenizations Notification

Use Case

You will receive a notification whenever a tokenizations process is completed, successful or not. Fundiin will send a POST message to the Notification URL you provide us.

To ensure that a payment has been securely processed you will need to validate the signature on header using your secretKey and clientId in the same manner you compute the signature on header for a request. Request Header


merchantIdStringFundiin provides MID as a unique identifier to each merchant.
resultStatusStringResult Status
resultMsgStringThe result message which contains information about the result.
merchantUserIdStringmerchantUserId merchant send in API Create tokenizations Request API

Example Request


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Result Status & Messages

Status codeDescriptionAction to take
SUCCESSUser can linked tokenizationsPlease call API Confirm Tokenizations After User Authenication Success to continue Processing
REJECTThe user declines linkage or does not meet the linkage requirements.
ACCESS_DENIEDAccess denied.Please check your settings in merchant portal, or contact Fundiin for configurations.
ERROR_GENERALDeclined due to general reasons other than the specific decline error codes provided.