Nhảy tới nội dung

Transaction Status API

Use Case

Transaction Status API to gets the transaction status corresponding by merchant referenceId



merchantIdStringFundiin provides MID as a unique identifier to each merchant.
referenceIdStringThe Unique reference ID of the Order.
langStringLanguage of returned message (vi or en)

Example Request

"merchantId": "Your merchant code",
"referenceId": "Your order number",
"lang": "vi",


merchantIdStringFundiin provides MID as a unique identifier to each merchant.
referenceIdStringMerchant's Reference Id unique for every refund transaction
storeIdStringThe store Id that is processing the payment
responseTimeStringDate & Time of response: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
amount.valueNumberThe amount of the transaction
paymentTransIdStringPayment Id is a number generated by Fundiin to identify a partner's transaction transaction.transaction.
paymentChannelQR, APP, WEB.
This parameter is returned if the value of the paymentStatus is SUCCESS
This parameter is returned if the value of the paymentStatus is SUCCESS
resultStatusStringResult status
resultMsgStringThe result message which contains information about the result.
customerIdStringFundiin User ID in case user is logged in via Fundiin credentials.
paymentTimeExact Time of Transaction Completion

By default expiry time for the order created is 30 minutes from order creation time stamp. If this needs to be extended for more than 30 minutes please contact Fundiin.

"merchantId": "FundiinVN",
"referenceId": "Your order number",
"amount": 100000,
"refundTransId": "3123123123123",
"responseTime": 1689315609,
"resultMsg": "Thành công",
"resultStatus": "SUCCESS"


Result Status & Messages

Status codeDescriptionAction to take
WAITINGThe transaction is initiated in our system, waiting for the user to process payment.Wait for the user to complete the payment process.
SUCCESSThe transaction was successful.Proceed with any necessary post-transaction activities.
PENDINGThe payment is in processing.Wait for the payment processing to complete. You may periodically check the payment status.
EXPIREDThe time period the customer had for completing the payment has expired.Prompt the customer to restart the payment process or initiate a new payment.
CANCELLEDThe payment was cancelled before processing was completed.Inform the customer that the payment was canceled and provide instructions for resuming or reinitiating the payment.
USER_KYC_NOT_QUALIFIEDUser is not qualified for KYC verification.Advise the user to complete the necessary KYC verification or provide alternative payment methods if available.
RISK_REJECTThe request is rejected because of risk control.Review the transaction for potential risks and consider alternative payment methods or further risk assessment.
ACCESS_DENIEDAccess denied.Please check your settings in the merchant portal or contact Fundiin for configurations.
INVALID_REQUESTInvalid request. e.g., Invalid currency, invalid amount, etc.Ensure that the request parameters are correct and meet the API requirements.
INVALID_REFERENCE_IDThe referenceId is invalid.Please retry with a different referenceId.
INVALID_CLIENT_IDThe clientId is not registered.Make sure to use a valid and registered clientId for the request.
INVALID_SIGNATUREThe signature is invalid.Double-check the signature generation process to ensure its correctness.
INVALID_MERCHANT_IDThe merchant is not registered.Ensure that the merchant ID is correct and registered with Fundiin.
INVALID_HTTP_METHODThe server does not implement the requested HTTPS method.Use the correct HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, etc.) when making the request.
INVALID_APIAPI is not defined.Check whether the request URL is correct. Ensure that the endpoint of the called API is correct.
REQUEST_PROCESSINGThe request has already been processed or is in progress.Monitor the transaction status or take appropriate action based on the current progress.
DOWNSTREAM_ERRORPartner downstream timeout. (Retriable)Retry the request later as the error might be temporary due to partner-related issues.
ERROR_GENERALDeclined due to general reasons other than the specific decline error codes provided.Contact Fundiin support for assistance in identifying and resolving the general issue.