Nhảy tới nội dung

Merchant Manage Tokenizations API

Use Case

When the user manage the tokenizations from the Fundiin side, Fundiin will then call the API using the URL provided by the merchant to manage the tokenizations.

To ensure that a payment has been securely processed you will need to validate the signature on header using your secretKey and clientId in the same manner you compute the signature on header for a request. Request Header


merchantIdStringFundiin provides MID as a unique identifier to each merchant.
referenceIdStringThe reference id of the transaction you want to manage.
tokenizationsStringuser tokenizations want to cancel
merchantUserIdStringmerchantUserId want to cancel
tokenizationsStringThe tokenizations User

Example Request

"merchantId": "Your merchant code",
"referenceId": "Your order number",
"tokenizations": "Your token",
"requestType": "CANCEL",
"merchantUserId": "merchantUserId",
"tokenizations": "IAoa3wmENyYEluGRvMC5yqxuhWiV8WU1"


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Result Status & Messages

Status codeDescriptionAction to take
APPROVEDCancel transaction was approved
ACCESS_DENIEDAccess denied.Please check your settings in merchant portal, or contact Fundiin for configurations.
TOKEN_USER_INVALIDThe token is requiredPlease send Fundiin token user to purcharge order
MERCHANT_USER_ID_INVALIDThe merchantUserId is requiredPlease send Fundiin merchantUserId because this is required.
INVALID_REQUESTInvalid request. e.g. Invalid currency, invalid amout etc.
INVALID_REFERENCE_IDThe referenceId is invalidPlease retry with a different
INVALID_CLIENT_IDThe cliendId is not registered
INVALID_SIGNATUREThe signature is invalid.
INVALID_MERCHANT_IDThe merchant is not registered.
INVALID_HTTP_METHODThe server does not implement the requested HTTPS method.
INVALID_APIAPI is not defined.Check whether the request URL is correct. Ensure that the endpoint of the called API is correct.
REQUEST_PROCESSINGThe request already processed or in progress
DOWNSTREAM_ERRORPartner downstream timeout. (Retriable)
ERROR_GENERALDeclined due to general reasons other than the specific decline error codes provided.